Is GOLDEN FIT APP free to download?
Yes! GOLDEN FIT APP is free to download, and you can try 7 days free when you choose to upgrade.
How can I share a workout?
Way to crush a workout! It's time to tell the world. Once you see the Finish Screen, share your stats on your favorite social channels or email and text them to friends and family using the buttons below your results.
I’m not a Golden’s Gym Member. Can I still join GOLDEN FIT APP?
Yes! Simply create an account and choose the “Non-Gold’s Gym Member” option to purchase your subscription through the App Store or Google Play. Enjoy 7 days free before you are billed.
What do I do if there’s something wrong with the app?
Email about the issue you are having and we’ll get you taken care of.
Make sure to include:
• Your device type (i.e. iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, etc.)
• Email Address
• Last Name
• Home Gym (For Golden's Gym Members only)
• Barcode (For Golden's Gym Members only)
• Screenshots (if available)
• Error messages received (if any)